Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Looking for the hot new place to retire? Historically, retirees have flocked toward warm weather climates like Florida or San Diego. Now, according to the AARP, it’s cities like Loveland, Colorado and neighboring Fort Collins that are the new “make sense” destinations for retiring Baby Boomers.

In a special report to broadcast on CNBC March 4, Tom Brokaw discusses how retirement realities are changing for Boomers after the economic meltdown. Moves to the coasts are on the decline, while cities like Denver, Dallas and Atlanta are attracting record numbers of relocating retirees who are looking for a great quality of life along with more affordable housing.

The trend among younger Boomers is a search for more security, more stability and more opportunities, especially for those who wish to continue working in some capacity after retirement. High growth, high quality of life areas like Loveland or Fort Collins offer the best of both worlds, according to the CNBC report.