Many of you know I am very active with the Arvada Chamber of Commerce. Specifically, I meet with a group of business owners every Tuesday for lunch where we network, share information and work to build one another's business.
I gave about 15 copies of this book away last month because I think that learning how to cultivate referrals is absolutely essential to long-term success in any business. And one of the proven ways to generate referrals is to be a "giver".
Not a manipulative, calculating "giver"... no, that will never work.
Jim Rohn says that "we attract what we become". It's easy to roll over that comment and not get it... but I have internalized it to where it's part of who I am.
If you want to be surrounded by kind people... be kind. If you seek to attract honest, ethical people, you must become honest and ethical. If you want to work with well read people, be well read. If you desire to associate with compassionate people, be compassionate.
It's really a simple formula, and I have found over and over that my best referrals come from the people I have the most in common with. So work on becoming more, becoming better, becoming more humble, honest, and hardworking... and you will find that "Endless Referrals" isn't just a book title - it's a business model for long-term success and prosperity.