"To change the fruits, you must change the roots."
- T Harv Eker, Secrets of the Millionaire Mind
Secrets of the Millionaire Mind is a terrific summer read that chronicles the 17 "Wealth Files" that differentiate wealth-based thinking from scarcity thinking.
According to Eker, money is a result. Health is a result. Your weight is a result. And results are at the end of a long chain of events that start with your thoughts, which lead to feelings, which inspire action, which create outcomes.
If your thoughts aren't productive and your actions are not inspired, it is likely that your your results won't be, either.
Secrets of the Millionaire Mind reminds us that thoughts are powerful, and they are not random. Thoughts are chosen, like a wardrobe, and if you allow your fears and insecurities to get the best of you, your outcomes will reflect your fears and insecurities.
Much of life is outside of our control, but our thoughts are uniquely ours. If you can make your mind work for you (instead of against you), there is no ceiling on what is possible.