Sunday, April 4, 2010


Social media is here to stay. And to prove it, website ratings service Hitwise announced last month that Facebook had supplanted Google as the most visited website on the Internet.

Facebook traffic has increased 185% from a year ago, while Google has only grown by 9% during that time. Overall, Facebook and Google visitors now account for 14% of all Internet traffic.

Because of this, I recently launched a Fan Page on Facebook, which has quickly grown to nearly 100 members including numerous past clients, business partners, prospects and colleagues.

I use this space to post brief updates each week, as well as to stay in touch and share relevant real estate news.

I also have gathered pages of testimonials (click on the REVIEWS tab) while highlighting links to my referral directory, new listings and an updated video library.

And all that is just the tip of the iceberg.

Passive marketing is dead. Active marketing is in. And the Internet is ground zero for the revolution taking place in real estate today. Consumers expect us to meet them where they are… and in greater and greater numbers, they are online.

Friend me on Facebook, find me on LinkedIn, watch me on YouTube. Get the message out there. Show people who you are. Be authentic.

Authenticity, integrity and access. That’s what it’s all about. And that’s why I’m investing in the growing tsunami that is social media.