A few months ago, I read Dan Pink’s book “A Whole New Mind”, which talks about the evolution of our culture from a left-brained, analytical workforce to a right-brained, creative society. In “Drive”, Pink shifts the conversation to motivation, and specifically, how to more effective motivate others (and yourself) in a post-modern society.
The evolution of motivation, according to Pink, follows this model:
Motivation 1.0 – People work to live (the Agrarian Age)
Motivation 2.0 – People work for money (the Industrial Age)
Motivation 3.0 – People work for meaning (the Creative Age)

One of my personal, written goals for 2012 is to devote four full days – one per quarter – to charitable and philanthropic efforts. My daughter, Victoria, and I served meals to the homeless in Denver a few weeks ago, and we’ll be working with kids in the foster care system at the end of April. The point is, for more and more people, mission and purpose are just as important as productivity and achievement.
In “Drive”, Dan Pink argues that meaning is the next great revolution, and by creating an environment where significance is as important as sustenance, we can build more sustainable families, businesses and communities.